“I really enjoyed my access bars session with Dee. She was really professional and really put me at ease. I found the treatment itself to be relaxing and rejuvenating, and was fascinated by the different sensations and colours I experienced during.”

FB, Coventry

“I cannot recommend Dolores enough! To say I was scared of flying was an understatement. I love travel but had to take diazepam or drink to fly- which ruined the first day and then I would spend time worrying about the flight home I went to see Dolores and she taped our sessions- which I listened to everyday for two weeks before my flight- I couldn’t believe the difference. When there was turbulence- I would listen to the recording and it helped tremendously.  If I do have a drink now it is only a social one with friends and I never use pills anymore. If I am on a difficult flight I still listen and it always puts me at ease . I have gone from only doing 2/3 hour flights to over five hours. Thank you so much!  From JE - a very proud and much more confident flyer x”

JE, Coventry

“I regularly go back for energy therapy, it has really helped me to slow down and de-stress. It has made a huge difference to my moods and I always feel relaxed and more peaceful afterwards.”

Sam, Banbury

“Thankyou for your amazing Access Bars treatment. I felt so comfortable and relaxed throughout the session. Afterwards I felt clearer in my mind and physically energised I would highly recommend this treatment. Thank you Dee.”

HH, Nuneaton

“I hadn’t heard of access bars and am really glad that I tried it. It’s amazing how much better I feel now.”

Anonymous, Coventry